
Sign up by clicking above on the Volunteers Link and scrolling down to Badge – click on that and select the Bikefest event. Please also click on and read the Additional Information section.

Shift information will be available on

You will be assigned to a lot when you check in.  Check in at Kaolin St. Lot.

Where can I park?

  • We ask that you park as close to the lot you are working in as possible and TAKE UP THE FREE SPOTS in front of the lots, as many as you can – if you can be obnoxiously over the line and drive folks into our paid spots, that is better.

Where do I sign in?

  • There will be a sign in sheet in the Kaolin St. Lot

What do I wear?

  • Band T-shirt or an orange, white, or black shirt

  • Shorts and Tennis Shoes (no sandals)

  • Sunscreen

Questions?   Is Your Shift Missing?  Are you having an emergency?

  • Email Mr. James immediately at or call a band parent board member whose phone number you have.

Parking Lot Information (see picture below)

Here is How to Park at the Kaolin Lot (picture)

Here is How to Park at the Romac Lot (picture)

  • The Kaolin Street Parking Lot is located right next to the Daily Commercial Building (labeled below with a #2)

  • The 700 W Main St. Parking Lot is ROMAC’s main parking lot and it is further west than the other two (labeled below with a #3).

  • Red ROMAC employee stickers park for free and in good spots

  • The first shift in the morning will set up the tents and put out the parking cones, tape, etc and will check the lot for debris and make sure all signage is in good working order.

  • Parking is $10 per car, $5 per bike

  • Park the cars and bikes seperately and close together, so parking spots don’t run out as quickly

  • For the grass lots, please provide bikes with a circle of wood for the kickstand (Romac will be giving us a tub of them for each lot)

  • Do not take money at the gate, rather, have students at the gate guiding the vehicles in and have the adult standing near where they park to take their money.

  • We are not responsbile for their belongings

  • There is a NO RE-ENTRY POLICY

  • Money will be picked up periodically by a board member

  • Bottled Water is $1

  • Trailers attached to cars cost for two parking spots.

  • Feel free to bring a chair, if things get slow.

  • questions?  Email